Our new Outreach Officer is...

Caroline Mageean!

About Caroline

Caroline is brilliantly qualified to be our Outreach Officer because she has heaps of experience working with all kinds of people from her work in Human Resources, she has lived in Portaferry for ages and knows almost everyone, plus she was on the Portaferry Gala committee for 15 years and spent ten of those as the Chair.



What will she be doing?

The clue's in the title... She will be reaching out to people who have yet to experience Portico - by going out to community groups of all kinds across the Ards and Lecale region to tell them about Portico and ask them what might entice them in. She will also be helping us improve our volunteer experience too - making sure our volunteers get the best experience they can from volunteering with us.

Thank you Dormant Accounts Fund!

Caroline's position is funded by a grant from the Dormant Accounts Fund for 2.5 years.