Praise indeed!
We were delighted to be congratulated by the Fire Service for our speedy evacuation following the fire alarm at the Ciaran Bartlett gig.
Thank you volunteers!
Our team of 20 volunteers sprang into action and got all 300 attendees safely out of the building in less than five minutes.
It's not an easy task for volunteers to get 300 people out of a building, especially when some of the audience has had a drink or three and don't really want their evening's entertainment interrupted! Thankfully, our volunteers were persistent and managed to clear the way to ensure the fire service had immediate access.
Huge thanks to our wonderful volunteers!
Discounts for attendees
For those that attended the event and had their gig finish ten minutes early, please accept our apologies. We know it was not an ideal ending to your time with us but hopefully you appreciate that your safety came first.
As a gesture of goodwill, we have emailed all the ticket buyers with an offer of a 20% discount on the upcoming Dave Elliott gig on Sat 8 June.